I was the girl who, on her wedding day, neglected to get a manicure(I did it myself ). I didn't wear mascara until my thirties and am still ambivalent about foundation. I was not the one wearing schlubby maternity duds borrowed from a friend while I worked right up to my due date because I cared what a pregnant woman looks like (contrary to popular thinking). Do I believe that you should follow every trend and obsess over your hair? No! Do I think every woman needs an expensive, fancy wardrobe? Not at all. But what I've learned along the way is that getting your fashion and beauty ducks in row lets you obsess less and accomplish more.
You might think that you have always dressed neatly, conservatively, and sometimes, by necessity, cheaply. On days when you managed to pull together a polished outfit, you felt great — capable, energized and grown up. But we're talking once a week. On weekends you live in cozy basics; on vacations you wear, essentially, what you have. Asking your husband to watch your little ones so that you can go shopping? Wouldn't that be vain, silly, selfish?
Nope, it would be smart. I figured that out early on, even before five pregnancies changed my body enough to require a complete closet overhaul. With each strategic purchase (a good coat for every season, pants tailored to fit, handbags that did more than just haul stuff), I felt more able to deal with what my days threw at me.
Of course I labored over my ideas, but quickly, I also poured hours and cash into assembling the exact right outfits. This was so much more than a shopping spree. I was putting money behind my conviction that I could run something big. I knew that if I wasn't willing to bet on myself, no one else would bet on me. It's a bet every woman should make, but you don't have to wager the family farm. Increasingly, great style is gettable at reasonable prices and in a wide range of sizes from plenty of retailers, including LO boutique and many more. I now work within fashion and I am devoted to finding confidence clothes for every girl and woman.
I cannot stress enough that investing time, energy, and a little bit of money in your look can make you more focused, more effective, more powerful. Also — and this is no small thing — it's good female fun.

If you’re interested in creating your best style ever or simply giving your closet an update, book a free phone consultation.